We love great food (we're French after all) and we truly think having quality ingredients and tools is what makes food better. When we started Umami we wanted to find a great quality tool that could let us take our food to work and keep it fresh, protected (and tasty). Our bento lunchboxes are inspired by Japanese design and made to be easy to use - great quality and a bit fun. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
A few years ago, after a great career in corporate life, we decided to go out in the entrepreneurial world and try to improve work for our friends and colleagues.
We realized how important it is to have a good lunch at work. While some are lucky enough to have a full scale and even free restaurant at work, most people don't.
So many people choose to prepare their lunch at home for a variety of reasons. Almost 46% of employees, who do not have a workplace restaurant, bring their meals to work at least once a week and 27% every day (Harris Interactive Study 2012).
But we know that eating out of a Tupperware or a lunch box is often not a real pleasure. With UMAMI, we wanted this "eating out" moment to become synonymous with relaxation and serenity while offering a great experience with premium products, great design that is practical.
Like its Japanese definition, UMAMI means "tasty" and represents the fifth flavor in gastronomy, complementing bitter, sour, sweet and salty.
Our goal is to bring back great taste and eating experience to the lunch box and to help as many people eat healthily, while limiting waste production as much as possible.
We hope our collection of bento lunch boxes helps you achieve that.
Etienne Ameil, Founder and CEO of Umami